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A Crucial Foundation of Your Child’s Physical Development

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Crawling: A Crucial Foundation of Your Child's Physical Development

1. The Importance of Crawling

Crawling isn’t just about movement; it’s a cornerstone of physical development, shaping crucial skills like core strength, stability, and coordination. Through this milestone, children build the foundation for future skills like walking and fine motor abilities.

2. The Multifaceted Benefits of Crawling

Beyond physical strength, crawling nurtures cognitive development by fostering spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills. It’s a dynamic process that allows children to explore their surroundings and understand cause and effect.

3. Encouraging Crawling Beyond the Traditional Stage

For parents whose children may have skipped the crawling phase, it’s never too late to promote and support this developmental milestone. By incorporating activities that mimic crawling movements, such as tummy time and interactive play, we can still nurture their physical and cognitive growth.

4. Practical Strategies for Supporting Crawling

Tummy Time: Strengthen neck and back muscles to prepare for crawling.

Exploration Opportunities: Create safe environments with obstacles and tunnels for movement.

Interactive Play: Engage in activities like singing songs and playing games to motivate crawling.

Supportive Equipment: Invest in climbing frames or padded play areas for practicing crawling skills.

Balance Activities: Encourage balancing on all fours to enhance coordination and stability.

Stimulating Environments: Surround children with age-appropriate toys and stimuli to spark curiosity and movement.

5. Balancing Screen Time with Physical Activity

While screens have their place, it’s crucial to ensure that children have ample opportunities for physical movement. Excessive screen time not only limits interaction but also predominantly engages the muscles in the thumb, neglecting the development of other essential muscles, like those in the index finger. Encouraging active play and exploration is vital for holistic development.


Promoting crawling isn’t just about physical movement; it’s about laying the groundwork for holistic development. By embracing this milestone and providing opportunities for exploration, we empower our children to thrive both now and in the future. Together, let’s embark on this journey of supporting our children’s development and unlocking their full potential.

Picture of Folake Omole

Folake Omole

Operation Director | BA (Hons)/EYPS

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Comments (11)

  • This was so helpful. I have noted some of the tips and will put it into practice. Tips like balancing screen time with physical activities, stimulating the environment and interactive play.

    « Reply
  • As a parent deeply invested in my children’s development, I resonate with the profound significance of crawling outlined in your blog.

    It’s enlightening to understand how this seemingly simple milestone contributes to their growth, from physical strength to cognitive skills.

    Your practical strategies for supporting crawling beyond the traditional stage offer valuable insights, reminding us that it’s never too late to nurture these foundational abilities.

    I appreciate the emphasis on balancing screen time with physical activity, highlighting the importance of holistic development.

    Thank you for this insightful guide to fostering our children’s growth and potential.

    « Reply
  • Thank you for highlighting the importance of this stage of development in children. The information and tips provided are helpful.

    « Reply
  • Best environment for children they are showered with love and care

    « Reply
  • Nice read. Thanks for putting this out, I will definitely look into the screen time and also create more time with my boys.

    « Reply
  • Amazing tips, it’s amazing how this simple yet important tips helps the overall development and milestones of a child. Thank you so much for this

    « Reply
  • I have seen some of the tips and will put it into practice. Tips like balancing screen time with physical activities, stimulating the environment and interactive play.

    I have read physical development isn’t just about crawling and understanding the importance of putting in the ground work in a safe environment.

    « Reply
  • As a mum, I appreciate this write up.
    It is full of valuable strategies that will empower our children to thrive both now and in the future.

    « Reply
  • Very impressed for this information, help and important how this tips has help and improved our lifestyle. Thanks for the effort you put in the empowering us.Thanks alot.

    « Reply
  • Thank you for the wonderful information. Even as a mum of 2 and another one coming soon, this will certainly help me a lot. The information is very helpful. Thank you

    « Reply
  • This is so insightful and will definitely help in supporting my profession. Thanks for sharing these lovely tips.

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