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Our History

A Decade Of The Wonder Working God At Work At WMB (23 September 2013 – 23 September 2023)

WMB Childcare Ltd – It has been indeed 10 Years of Wonders at WMB Childcare. A FAITH-LEAP that was quickened by a WORD-SURGE has now turned into a WONDER-FULL ADVENTURE.


17th December 2003
An Army Will Rise, The Kind Never Seen. Joel 2:2

‘a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like’

The Word of the Lord came to us in 2003 ‘the liberators of Britain are behind the prison walls of homes and I am planting you to lead the army I (God) is raising from there. That is why I have preserved you all these years. You will be helped by people you do not know. I am starting you out today… Be ready

1st March 2008
The Days of Little Beginnings (Childminding Registration)

‘For who hath despised the day of small things?’ Zechariah 4:10

What is now WMB Childcare started off as a small childminding set up registered in March 2008 at our 3-bedroom house, situated in Fernhill Drive in Gorton. However, the trigger for this venture arose from an incident in 2007 observed at a nearby shopping centre, in Longsight as Andrew saw a pre-schooler use inappropriate words at his parents. It was clear a lot more needed to be done at the early stages of Children’s development within the city.

The Childminding business commenced operation and offered her first service in May 2008 2 months after it was registered with 1 child and Jay our son making a ‘very high’ number of clients. It took a few months before even the first child materialised.

10th March 2010
What Is In A Name?

The Name of The Nursery Group was delivered from 1 Corinthians 3:10 – ‘according to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a Wise Masterbuilders’.

The word of the lord came to us again a second time from 1st Corinthians 3:10 concerning the intent of the joint venture with and there we coined the name ‘Wise Masterbuilders’ - according to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a Wise Masterbuilders, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

15th March 2010
Support Childminding Appointment

‘The Path of the Just is as the shining light’ Proverbs 4:18

Folake was appointed a Support Childminder by the Manchester City Council in recognition of her outstanding practice within her setting. The task was to support and mentor newly registered childminders in the area to start off their childminding setting with quality practice standard and provide quality early years in the Manchester area.

25th June 2010
The Initial Growth & The Place

‘The children which thou shalt have, … shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell’

As the childminding setting grew so did the pressure on the small house and the need for a bigger place for a nursery surfaced. So, the search for a place began. We soon found a place on Hyde Road, and did a joint visit with Manchester Councils business advisor to the property on the 25th of June 2010. It was approved by MCC but as soon as the owners saw what we were aiming to use if for they rescinded on the agreement and decided to do it themselves. This disappointment did not stop us. It only solidifies the faith that God is up to something but in his time.

07th February 2011
OFSTED Inspection, OUTSTANDING! (Childminding)

‘but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee’. Isaiah 60:2

The Childminding operation was inspected by OFSTED, (the regulatory body for childcare providers) on the 7th of February 2011 and rated ‘outstanding.

16th January 2013
Expression of Interest in Manchester Council’s Disused Properties

‘… and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in’ Isaiah 58:12

By God’s leading we made enquiries to Manchester’s City Corporate Property department regarding disused Council properties across the City and we were advised that it may be that the Council will be making some of their old Sure Start centres available soon and that we may be able to bid for them when this happens.

07th March 2013
Invitation To Tender

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Psalms 37:23

In early March 2013, the Manchester City Council invited formal tenders to the framework agreement for Daycare Provision for Children in Manchester. It was a leap of faith for us as we had no tender or business experience at such a massive scale, but we relied solely on God-experience at our spiritual scale. We downloaded the first set of tender documents on the 7th of March 2013.

18th March 2013
The Company Formally Registered

‘What Name Adam Called Them’

On the 18th of March 2013 - Wise Masterbuilders was formally formed and registered with Companies House in the UK according to the word of God spoken 10th of March 2010 in line with UK law.

28th April 2013
The End From The Beginning

‘and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.’ Isaiah 42:9

As we worshipped God during a second service on the 28th of April 2013, the word of God came clear as day again regarding His fearful plan for the task at hand. He said in a clear-cut voice, knowing the inner fear that was raging within us… ‘if anyone should ask you, how will you cope with the two nurseries that you will be given this year by the Lord from the Council, then you shall ask them and say ‘How does my Father in the Faith manage two universities that God had given him? Tell them that when they have found the answer, then they have discovered how you will sort out the two nurseries that I, God had given you and the third one that I will give you before the end of the year.

20th June 2013
Viewing Of The Appointed Place

‘Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people Israel that they may dwell in a place of their own,’ 2 Samuel 7:10

After the unsuccessful attempt to take the premises on Hyde Road, the ‘Waymaker’ again afforded us the privilege to do a viewing on Carisbrook Day Nursery with other already established nursery chains. As childminders, we stood no chance. We were the least experienced in business and we had no nursery management track record. But when God speaks and you move by faith, you will have a good report at the end. Even though we took our anointing oil to the viewing, it was clear that we were fearful when we saw the scale of what God was speaking to us about in reality. It seemed insurmountable. A hurdle too high to scale. We saw the bills, the human resources requirement, the number of clients needed to make it profitable. It was way above our league. We saw the Giant and felt like Grasshoppers.

20th June 2013
The Spiritual Birth Of The Nurseries

‘Shall a nation be born at once?’

The evening after the viewing of Carisbrook Day Nursery, on 20 th of June 2013, Andrew was led to go to church as he felt fearful by what he saw.

During the viewing of Carisbrook premise, we were gripped with fear as we saw the enormity of the project, we are letting ourselves into. Andrew resolved that he needed to go to God in prayer to sort out the FEAR (False Evidence
Appearing Real) that has gripped our heart. As I entered His divine presence on the glorious evening after work and contemplating what song I will greet His presence with and opened my mouth, the word of the Lord came to me from the book of Isaiah 66, saying ‘7 before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. 8 who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. 9 shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the lord: shall I cause to bring forth and shut the womb? saith thy God.

It was evident that God was addressing our inadequacies and we knew straight away that God had perfected the assignment as far as His declaration on the 28th of April 2013 was concerned. It was a done deal. The One who bring to birth will bring forth.

30th June 2013
The Mission

 ‘If the foundations be destroyed,…What can the future generation do’ – Psalm 11:3

As we wrote the last few chapters of the service delivery questions for the day-care tender, the key message of the Wise Masterbuilders Childcare company was quickened in our hearts again by the Spirit of the Lord – ‘Laying Solid Early Years Foundation of Many Generations with C.A.R.E’ in line with the word of God that was given to me 10th of March, 2010 from 1 Corinthians 3:10; His grace to lay Godly foundation of many generation has been released. A solid foundation is a Godly Foundation.

3rd July 2013
Many Generations

Succession Planning – ‘For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, Genesis 18:19

We heard from the Lord again on the 3rd of July 2013 from Isaiah 58:12, that we are meant to raise and build up the foundation of MANY generations. He said ‘‘they that shall be of thee shall build up the old waste places. thou shalt raise up the foundation of many generations’. It seemed to us this is not a short-term assignment nor is it a business for profiteering but one that will impact the lives of this generation and generations to come This is a transgenerational assignment.

15th August 2013
Mystery Of The Flow Of Client

‘And there went forth a wind from the Lord, and brought quails from the sea, and let them fall by the camp’

6 Divine Secrets To Drawing Clients To The Business

On the 15th of August 2013, the Lord delivered to us 6 divine secrets to drawing clients to WMB Childcare. It was from Numbers 11:31-32 & Isa 5:26 at a church conference in London. He said, ‘the same way the wind from the Lord drew the quails from the sea, and drop them in the midst of the camp. It is the same wind that will draw customers to the nurseries this year. And same wind will also bring the provisions and resources for the establishment of the nurseries.

23th Auguest 2013
The First WMB Nursery Delivered

‘The Word Became Flesh…’ John 1:14

On the 23rd of September 2013 and like a dream of the night, God changed the fortunes of two minders to a full-fledged nursery owner. It was a surreal moment for Folake and Andrew, the stewards of the great vision. Within a week of opening, we had over 20 children in fulfilment of God’s word of the 15th of August 2013. It was as if they have been waiting for us to open. Bu this is just the beginning as the Word of God never lies. Carisbrook Day Nursery - Tender accepted 17 July 2013, Lease commenced 1st of September 2013, Ofsted registered on the 3rd of September 2013. Opened 23rd of September 2013

13th January 2014
A Little One is Becoming A Thousand

The Delivery of Winstanley – A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time. Isaiah 60:22

On the 14th of August 2013, we got an invitation to take part in the tendering exercise for Winstanley Day Nursery. We have never heard of the nursery before then and took a tour. We were informed of success in October and was OFSTED registered on the 27th of December 2013. Nursery was officially opened on the 13th of January 2014.

24th February 2014
The Forsaken City

A City On A Hill Cannot Be Hidden – ‘Whereas thou has been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations’. Isaiah 60:15

Folake and I were the only people that viewed Hillicity when we went there. I think it was a premise that no one wanted. It was hidden, it was dingy, it was overgrown. When we saw it, we weren’t impressed and was almost saying to pass, but the Council official who conducted us round said it may be a little showstopper. It was as if God was advising us not to miss an opportunity. So, reluctantly we tendered for it, and it was one that we bided that lowest on from recollection. To the glory of God, Hillcity Day Nursery was registered by OFSTED on the 10th of December 2013 and opened for business on the 24th of February 2014 following a little refurbishment. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who hath with his hands fulfilled that which he spake with his mouth– 2 Chronicles 6:4

12th October 2015
The Birth Of Precious Cornerstone

The Stone that builders rejected – Matthew 21:42

In early March 2014, two parents got into argument about childcare place in the car park of Carisbrook as one was offered a place and the other didn’t get a place due to demand. This led to a discussion about having an extension in Carisbrook but then the Lord opened our eyes to see the building that has been sitting idle next to Carisbrook for as long as we have been in occupation. A business case was put forward to the Manchester Council for its use and the lease was completed on the 8th of July 2015 and nursery was registered by OFSTED on the 12th of October 2015 and officially started trading 13th of October 2015.

24th  September 2016
Nursery World Award 2016

Nursery World Awards 2016, Hillcity Nursery Coach, Liz Thomson was voted as a finalist at the Nursery World Awards 2016 into the category Individuals - Nursery Manager of the Year> She was Highly Commended at the Event. The presentation was held on Saturday 24th September at the Brewery, London

13th May 2017

Let all things be done decently and in order’ – 1 Corinthians 14:40.

As the Company began to grow in staff strength so too was the need to also have some structure in place to ensure we remain organised, sustainable and competitive Plans for building the first company app called WMB Wise1ne was initiated at this point to systemise some of the Company’s operational tasks within the Company such as annual leave, shift, and staff attendance etc. The app called Wise1ne was completed and launched on the 24th of July 2018.

23rd January 2018
Hillcity Extension Completed And Opened For Enrolment

As foretold by the Lord from Numbers 11:30-31, Hillcity Day Nursery also began to experience rapid increase in the number of Children being a City of a Hill, that cannot be hidden. The led to a conversation with the Manchester City Council and a proposal for an extension was put forward. With the good hand of the Lord upon our lives, a Planning application submitted 4th April 2017 and was approved 23rd of August 2017. A new purpose-built extension was erected and completed on the 23rd of January 2018.

23rd September 2018
Customers Satisfaction

THE BIRTH OF WMBEYE - Acts 6:1 – ‘when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians’.

Again, as the number of parents grew within the WMB nurseries, Andrew and I began to see the need for us to measure the degree to which our client base is happy and satisfied with the services they receive from both the management and staff team at WMB. We also wanted to ensure they get value in return for the monetary commitment they have with us weekly. This led to a brainstorming session with management staff and the birth of the company’s feedback app known as WMBEYE. Customers satisfaction app WMBEYE was completed and deployed on the 23rd of September 2018

7th June 2019
We Are Born2Win

Out of the Unseen, Came the Seen – Hebrews 11:3 - Through faith, the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

In June 2017, we were driving past Accurate Window, a double-glazing manufacturing facility on Moston Lane, and saw that it was up for sale. Compelled by a strong sense of purpose, we entered the premises and told the owners that we felt the property was destined for us. They chuckled and informed us that they were already in talks with another buyer. Nevertheless, they allowed us to explore the facility. While walking through, we felt an undeniable sense of calm and assurance.

Not willing to give up, we quickly got in touch with the estate agent handling the sale. Although hesitant, the agent agreed to consider our offer if we could match the existing one. We managed to match the offer and then successfully navigated a tricky lease extension situation. By October 29, 2018, we took ownership of the property. Construction began shortly thereafter and was fully completed by June 14, 2019. We secured our OFSTED registration on June 7, 2019, confirming our initial conviction that this property was meant for us.

30th November 2019
Nursery Management Today Award 2019

3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.

On the 30th of November 2019, WMB Childcare Ltd was again a finalist in the Nursery Operations / Area Manager Award Category at the 17th National NMT Nursery Award 2019. Folake Omole was named a Finalist at this award held at Hilton London Metropole Hotel.

6th February 2019
The Born2reign Story

The Lord Had Made Room for Us… ‘and he said, for now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land’. Genesis 26:22

On the 28th of November 2018, we received the good news that the Born2reign Day Nursery has been awarded to WMB following a tendering process. The site was borne out of a need for the Moss Side community to have quality early years education following the failing of the former occupier. It was opened on the 6th of February 2019 following registration by OFSTED.

5th June 2023

The voice of Congratulations came again that WMB Childcare Group has again been awarded a TOP 20 Daynurseries.co.uk Award for the being a TOP 20 reviewed nursery in the UK by parents and individuals alongside 3 of the Nurseries (Winstanley, Carisbrook and Hillcity being awarded TOP 20 in the Northwest. The Company have consistently won this award from 2017 to date cementing its place amongst the best nurseries group within the UK.

14th June 2023

Our latest regulatory inspection was carried out by OFSTED at Precious Cornerstone, and it came out with glorious outcome. Over the decade from 2013 - 2023, we have been involved in a total of 15 OFSTED Inspections with the first three from 28th of February 2014 coming in quick succession. At inception, we did three OFSTED inspections with the space of three months. It can only be the Wonder Working God at Work in WMB.

Final Words

As we close the chapter on a remarkable decade of service, dedication, and growth, our sights are firmly set on the horizon of opportunity and Wonders that lies ahead for WMB Childcare Ltd.

As we have always believed, our work is more than just a business; it is a calling. And it is this calling that compels us to aim higher, reach further, and impact more lives in a positive, and Godly manner.

With the turning of this page, we're not just marking an end; we're setting the stage for an era of unprecedented growth and far-reaching impact. Imagine a Manchester where no community is underserved, where every child has access to world-class childcare—this is the vision that fuels us. In the next ten years, we're not just aiming to grow; we're aiming to impact!

Picture new state-of-the-art facilities dotting the Manchester landscape, each one a beacon of excellence and inclusivity. Envision cutting-edge childcare programs that set new industry standards, all while staying rooted in our core values. We're talking about a transformative period that will make the impossible, possible.

Yes, there will be hurdles, but each one is a stepping stone, propelling us closer to our divine calling. So, here's to the future, to a journey guided by unwavering faith and unyielding commitment.

Get ready, Manchester: the best is yet to come!"


funded childcare for working parents

Starting September 2024, WMB Childcare offers 15 hours of funded childcare for eligible working parents. Click the button below to apply today.