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Nominate our exceptional staff for their outstanding dedication and commitment to nurturing young minds.

The platform is set up for you to recognise and nominate your colleagues who consistently demonstrate excellence in their roles.

Whether it’s their passion for nurturing children, their dedication to creating a positive learning environment or leadership attributes, your nominations play a crucial role in celebrating the outstanding contributions of our team.

Take a moment to appreciate the exceptional individuals who make WMB Childcare an phenomenal Company, as we come together to celebrate their positive impact on the lives of the children we serve.

Let’s shine a spotlight on their hard work and show our appreciation by submitting your nominations today!

    [group adminstaffgroup]
    Select Staff from WMB Admin [/group][group carisbrookstaffgroup] Select Staff from Carisbrook Day Nursery [/group][group winstanleystaffgroup] Select Staff from Winstanley Day Nursery [/group][group hillcitystaffgroup] Select Staff from Hillcity Day Nursery [/group][group cornerstonestaffgroup] Select Staff from Cornerstone Day Nursery [/group][group born2winstaffgroup] Select Staff from Born2Win Day Nursery [/group][group born2reignstaffgroup] Select Staff from Born2Reign Day Nursery [/group]

    funded childcare for working parents

    Starting September 2024, WMB Childcare offers 15/30 hours of funded childcare for eligible working parents. Click the button below to apply today.